Ending Auto Mode

Fifteen or so of us were instructed our “fancy camera” knob setting must turn to manual “M” mode, and if we really wanted to learn, we could never again operate in auto mode. An eight-hour photo workshop in Kenai, Alaska, was beginning, and I was ready to tackle the Canon…

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How-to cultivate your spiritual garden

O garden-dweller, my friends are listening for your voice, let me hear it! – Song of Solomon 8:13 In the midst of my “In the Clearing” garage project, I’m encountering gems. One surprise – a case of the second book I wrote, Your Spiritual Garden: Tending to the Presence of…

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How can we be of service? This surprised me.

On a Saturday, I unexpectedly became a part of a miracle. At an Alaskan women’s summit workshop, I learned we would be of service to two young women, and split into teams. Saint Vincent de Paul, a Catholic priest who lived in France in the late 1800s, came to mind. He believed in the reciprocity that can occur…

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