Choose Life–Do Not Be Afraid

I wonder what Jesus experienced when he died, and then showed back up, on earth, alive. I wonder about his graciousness in allowing people to recognize him in their own timing. He shows up, again, again, again.

I wonder what it is inside of me, and you, that offers us the spaciousness and courage to let go, and experience our own dying–of  hopes, beloved friends and family members,  cherished dreams, our ego and compulsions, and one day, of our own body breath.

What keeps us showing up, choosing life, again, and again?

Standing at the top of this hill in Southern Colorado, a more than life-size “Resurrection” sculpture in front of me, I pondered that question. The summer sun beat hot. Thunderstorms brewed. Listening to my iPod, the song, “Walk On” by U2 began to play. An eagle flew into sight, circling overhead. Two additional eagles arrived.

Later, a friend described this sculpture as “high-jump Jesus.” It fits for me. I spent hours watching my son practice and compete in track and field high-jumps. He was grace in motion, and many times, didn’t clear the bar. Yet, he got up, dusted himself off, took a breath, and with precision steps, leaped again. This image of Jesus leaping off the cross, reaching toward new life helps heal and transform me. Earth, family, friends, and even strangers offer support.

We are not alone, not ever. It only feels that way sometimes. The knowledge and experience of God’s presence helps me choose life, and to be brave.

“Do not be afraid.”
–Matthew 28:5b

What–and who–fuels life anew in you?

“Resurrection” by sculptor Huberto Maestas | San Luis, Colorado

One Comment:

  1. Never alone…so right you are Pegge…love this reflection:)

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