Day 8 of 21 – Surprise #DisruptTheGap

Have you experienced what I like to name flow—big flow—when synchronicity, coincidence, the planets align, grace, or magic happens?
Surprise happens in the most ordinary times and places. I am so curious about how flow erupts genuine surprise and helps us learn to trust how much hidden support is available. The surprise of flow made a grant entrance today…
It was 5:00 p.m., and for days I’ve known I needed to go to the large shopping store, and avoided it. I really wanted to drive home, to see my dogs in daylight for the first time all week. But, I faced my resistance, and as I turned left instead of right onto Sterling Highway, I thought to myself, get this done. I tapped into knowing I’ll be happy when I arrive home with salad greens, almond butter for me, and peanut butter for dog treats.
Parked, I dallied a bit, wove my empty cart through the store, navigating evening shoppers. I turned one aisle too soon heading to the machine where I can grind my own nut butters, and thought of Olivia, a special young lady in my life. Yesterday she’d snuck into my office while I was in a meeting, decorated my computer screen with photos of us, and written kind notes on stickies. I knew she was flying to Hawaii soon, and uncertain of the date—thought to self, call her on the drive home. Five steps later, pushing my cart to make a right turn to the nut aisle, my cart nearly bumped into another cart. The woman and I looked at each other, and a nanosecond of pause transpired before we simultaneously yelped with surprise, and a leapt into a happy hug as I said, “Olivia!”
For nearly 30 minutes, standing in that aisle, we talked about flow, aloha, trusting life, adventure, play, loving self, being present to and for others, energy, healing, her school studies, spiritual practice, her island adventure, and the delight of surprise. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and a hug goodbye, so grateful for the surprise time a few hours before she was departing on vacation later that very evening.
Do you like me think it is uber cool when life flow delivers surprise? I trust that when we are able to show up, respond to an inner nudging, magic happens.
Recall a time when you followed your instinct or impulse, even if it was unplanned or inexplicable, and someone or something unexpected surprised you?
Times like this bust through limits and awaken possibility!

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